Turning Leadership Inside Out

Natalie was the thorn in Zack’s side. She was also one of his greatest assets. As a revered, and often feared, department head, she had the attention and respect of everyone in who worked with her. This made his job of leading the organization both a pleasure and a pain ...
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Get the Success You Deserve–How to Match a High Income with Your High Value

Would it not be great to feel easily your power in sales and negotiations? Imagine asking confidently, without hesitation, for pay that reflects what you are worth? How about taking action that leads to results you want and will thrive on? If you are a woman, chances are high that ...
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Being a Woman Undaunted in a Man’s World–Being a Woman Undaunted in a Man’s World

After dinner last night, as they were cleaning the dishes, Ashley surprised her family by proclaiming her plans to become president of the United States. A bold statement for a seven-year old. When asked why she wants one of the hardest jobs with so much responsibility, she said, “because when ...
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Power Not Anger Will Balance the Scale

Honor the anger, channel the outrage,but take a stand based on facts and justice. The hidden obvious has hit the limelight. Horrid stories and black shadows of sexual harassment, abuse of power, and ugly degradation litter our public center stage. The anger is real and justified, but it is not ...
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